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Friday, May 20, 2016

List of URDU words of PERSIAN origin; PART-1

A list of Urdu language words of Persian origin. Many Persian words also came into English through Urdu during British colonialism. Persian was the language of the Mughal court before British rule in India even though locals in North India spoke Hindusthani. Thus many words in the list below, though originally from Persian, arrived in English through the intermediary of Ottoman Turkish language.
List of the Urdu words derived from Persian.
Urdu < Persian origin > English
Baabul < From Persian babul; akin to Sanskrit babbula, babbla (Acacia arabica). An acacia tree (Acacia arabica) that is probably native to the Sudan but is widespread in northern Africa and across Asia through much of India. In English language> Babul

Bakhshish < from Persian bakhshesh lit. "gift," from verb bakhshidan "to give, to give in charity, to give mercifully; (hence, also) to forgive". a gift of money. In English language >Baksheesh

Baalkani < baalaakhana from Persian baalaa 'above' khaana 'house, upperhouse, room Alternately, it derives from Old High German balko, "wooden beam". In English language > balcony

Bazaar < from Persian baazaar ("market"). In English language > Bazaar

Baazigar < from Persian . Literally means a 'player' (< baazi 'game, play' + participial suffix –gar ; cf. English suffix -er, viz. "play-er")and it refers to a gypsy like nomadic Muslim people in India. In English language > Bazigar

Benami < from Persian banaam in the name of .., made, held, done, or transacted in the name of. In English language > Benami

Behesht < from Persian bihisht heavenly one . In English language > Bheesty

{ Bahishti Zewar (translated as Heavenly Ornaments) is a volume of Islamic beliefs and practices written by Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanvi. Bahishti Zewar is a comprehensive handbook of fiqh.}

Biryaani < from Persian beryaan. roasted, grilled. Also an Indian dish containing meat, fish, or vegetables and rice flavored with saffron or turmeric. In English language > Biryani

Bawarchi < from Persian baawarchi. a male cook. . In English language >Bobachee
Collected & edited by Shaik Abuljabbar

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